I have thought of changing my name so many times. Not legally, but only to make it easy for other people to call my name out. But I didn’t, since my name is the sweetest word for me in this world. When someone mispronounce my name, I repeat that over again, even then they couldn’t get that, I spell that out for them; C as Charlie, H as Henry etc...I have to say so many names to make my name meaningful. Some of my friends has changed their name and become Mike, Dave, Jen(Please make sure, these are only informal name, not for official use) etc, and this is not because they like these names or want to be an American, but to avoid the situation I have mentioned earlier in this paragraph. After this you might have to face other questions about your country. Where are you from??? You would say “Nepal”. What…where is that? Again I have to say in between India and China. In this way I have to use other people’s name and other country’s name to introduce myself and my country. Why do I need to use other country’s name to introduce my country? Again to avoid this embarrassment, I would say California, if I am not in California and New York, if I am not in New York and so on. In this way I would avoid unwanted conversation.