Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Destination Yellowstone National Park

Team YNP would have regretted, had they cancelled their trip to Yellowstone National Park, hereafter YNP, and that they realized after entering YNP through west entrance located in West Yellowstone, MT. We had planned to go to YNP for Memorial Day weekend (long weekend) and arranged everything ahead of time. We were very excited to visit the first national park on the earth. In the mean time weather forecast was unfavorable and our whole plan was in jeopardy. Weather channel forecasted snow shower and rain throughout the weekend. There was a conflict among group members to go-no-go. 

It was hard to decide whether to go or not. We kept monitoring weather forecast now and then. But nearer the departure day worsen the weather forecast. We almost withdrew our plan and contacted rental Car Company and hotel to cancel the booking. Rental car cancellation didn’t charge for termination, but hotel cancellation would cost us $400, i.e. one night charge for 2 rooms). We did cost-benefit analysis and decided not to forgo $400. We tried to bargain with hotel staff to reduce the charge, but they were not willing to drop even a penny. After long discussion and argument, majority of us determined to travel irrespective of weather condition. Ultimately we decided to visit YNP the day before we drove to the destination.

Driving distance from Boise to West Yellowstone (this is small town in Montana where west entrance of the park is located) is 387 miles and travel time is approximately 7 hrs with traffic (Source-Google maps). We left Boise around 6.00 P.M on Friday for West Yellowstone. Everything seemed fine until we reached vicinity of West Yellowstone. It started snow shower as soon as we entered the city and all of us started looking at each other thinking that our tour would be ended up staying at hotel for rest of the weekend. It took almost 8 hrs to reach the hotel due to snow fall and we checked in at 2:00 A.M. With disappointment we went to bed hoping wonderful sunny day tomorrow.
(Driving route to YNP from Boise-Source Google maps)
We had planned to get ready by 9:00 A.M and leave the hotel by 9.30 A.M. the least. We woke up around 8:00 A.M. and looked through the window and it was still snowing and we mentally prepared to stay at hotel, but snow fall mitigated gradually and stopped around  9:00 A.M. and fortunately road condition was still drivable and didn’t covered with snow. We felt happy and managed to leave hotel by 10:00 A.M. There was long queue of vehicle at the west entrance of the park slowly entering the park. That increased our confidence and faded away fear after seeing that much vehicles. As soon as we entered the park, we were so exited and fascinated by the beauty of the park and realized it was right decision to visit despite of worst weather condition. We pulled over the car at sightseeing spot and started playing snow and captured few wonderful snaps and it was sunny at that moment.  

The weather condition was very unpredictable and snowing now and then. The whole day was mix of snow, rain and sun shine. Fortunately it was sunny whenever we had to visit tourist attractions and had enough time before it started snow shower again. We enjoyed a lot in that kind of weather conditions. And of course, snow had added the beauty of the place, which I liked the most. We wouldn’t have such a pristine view, if snow weren’t there. Our tour was very exhilarating, thrilled, fascinated and adventure due to tough weather condition and we happily accepted that. Every time we had challenge to take a decision to go-no-go.
At least you should have two full days to cover the main attractions. If you are planning for camping, hiking and other activities better to have more days, more the merrier. One day you could cover lower loop and next day you could drive upper loop. First day we chose to cover lower loop and next day we drove for upper loop, however we couldn’t go to some spots in upper loop due to heavy snowfall and road was closed. Monday we wrapped up our tour and drove back to Boise via Crater of the Moon National Monument, Idaho and arrived at 8:00 P.M.
(YNP map that depicts Lower loop and Upper loop-Source Internet)
Saturday we headed toward lower loop. Upon entering Yellowstone’s lower loop, we saw wonderful Firehole River and herd of Bison were grazing in the bank of river. We pulled over the car nearby the river and observed the beauty of Mother Nature. Some guys started playing snow throwing over each other; some were busy with photography, whereas few were enjoying the mesmerizing scenic view that made us forget rest of the world. After traveling through this spectacular area, we stopped at Fountain Paint Pot area where we watched Fountain Paint Pot, Celestine Pool, Silex Spring, and several geysers, some of which erupt almost constantly. There is nothing quite like the sound of a bubbling mud pot and you can see the best example of one by visiting the Fountain Paint Pot in the Lower Geyser Basin.
(Wonderful Firehole River)
 ( Bison grazing nearby Firehole River)
(Fountain Paint Pot)
(Celestine Pool)
We skipped Midway Geyser Basin and landed Old Faithful area straight away. There were several lodging options and restaurants in the Old Faithful area and it looks like well managed small village. We had lunch at one of the restaurants out there and spent some time at old faithful visitor center before going to old faithful area trail. Old Faithful Geyser which erupts about every 45 minutes. Old Faithful Geyser is part of the Upper Geyser Basin which includes additional geysers and mineral pools and can be toured by following trails of pavement and wooden platforms. My favorite site in the area was the Morning Glory Pool, one of the prettiest in Yellowstone. 
(Blue star spring at Old Faithful area trail)
(Old Faithful area trail and Beehive Geyser)
(People waiting for Old Faithful Geyser to be erupted)
(Here you go Old Faithful Geyser at last)
Next attractions were The Grant Village/West Thumb area, Yellowstone Lake, and Mud Volcano area. Grant Village is a great place to spot elk and the West Thumb Geyser Basin’s stunning pools and hot springs are just a quick walk from the parking lot. We couldn’t enjoy Yellowstone Lake, since it was frozen and covered with snow. Just north of Yellowstone Lake is Fishing Bridge, a major spawning area for cutthroat trout. Although fishing is not allowed, you can observe the fish in their active months and get a great view of the lake from the wooden bridge during the rest of the year. Mud Volcano and Sulphur Cauldron are located in the Hayden valley and shouldn’t be missed. We could have stood in front of the smoking Dragon’s Mouth Spring for hours. It was amazing, and the volcanic muddy smell spread over the area is peculiar. You may perhaps like the smell, but for me that was more natural and I liked that. 

(On the way)
(Somewhere at Yellowstone Lake)
(Somewhere at Yellowstone Lake)
 The last spot for the day was The Canyon Village area of Yellowstone which is one of the most majestic areas found within the Park boundaries. With the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone River, the views are vast, deep and sure to inspire. Be sure to take some time exploring the natural wonders, historic points of interest through road tours, hiking and Park programs. It has many places to shop and eat, and a beautiful, state of the art Visitor’s Center where you can learn all about Yellowstone’s history. Nearby is the majestic Grand Canyon of Yellowstone where you can get amazing views of at various lookouts including the most popular Upper and Lower Falls, they are both worth time spending. However Lower falls is more stunning than Upper Falls.
(Lower falls at Grand Canyon of Yellowstone)
The Lower Loop of Yellowstone is the caldera or crater area caused by massive volcanic eruptions that occurred hundreds of thousands, even millions of years ago. It is the more popular section of the park because it contains the best examples of the geothermal features that Yellowstone is known for: geysers and colorful mineral pools. Although there are a few other places in the world where such phenomena exist like Iceland and New Zealand, Yellowstone is the only place left completely in its natural state and not exploited as a power source. It is truly unlike any place on Earth and perhaps the greatest example of nature’s extreme power and strength to both create and destroy.

Sunday we traveled Upper loop of Yellowstone but couldn’t cover whole loop since Canon Village to Tower Roosevelt road was closed due to heavy snow fall and that covers half of the loop. We just went to Mammoth Hot Spring and returned back the same way. It was snowing whole day and road was partially covered with snow, so we had to drove very carefully. Moreover Upper loop road is little bit hillside than lower loop. While the Upper Loop of Yellowstone does have some of the many geothermal features that are widespread in the Lower Loop, it is better characterized by its rocky mountains and rolling green valleys. It is quieter, wilder and less developed and it feels like a completely different park.
There are also lodging and dining options in Mammoth Hot Spring area. The area looks like hill station, but the main attraction in the area is the springs themselves. The mineral rich water has created large white shelves of calcium deposits left over thousands of years. Algae living in the pools tint some of them with shades of orange and red. The formations are split into Upper and Lower Terraces which can be explored by foot or by car. It was raining while we were listening up the ranger about formation of springs and climbing up Upper Terrace. It was magnificent to observe the wonderful area from the top of Upper Terrace. It was really beautiful and must visit place. After lunch we spent few hours and drove back to the hotel. That was our last destination and said good bye to dazzling YNP.
It’s unfortunate that some people visit Yellowstone without traveling to the Upper Loop of the park. The Lower Loop is a remarkable place but it was in the less crowded Upper Loop, where I found peace and solitude, that I really felt connected to nature. To truly experience all the park has to offer, a visitor should see both. Yellowstone National Park trip is one of the significant and worthy travels I have made so far. We have seen such a unique things, especially geothermal activities, that we would hardly see anywhere in the world. Please visit YNP if you are planning for your next vacation and your time permits. Have wonderful retreat at Yellowstone National Park.

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